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miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

He sido invitado a The ZAPPANALE exhibition 2011

He sido invitado a
The ZAPPANALE exhibition 2011
Ellos dicen:
Dear Carlos Zerpa,
Your Zappa drawings would fit perfectly to a Zappanale exhibition.
Music is the best!
Zappanale Exhibition

First was the exhibition of Bruce Bickford’s clay figures. Since his work together with Frank in the “Baby Snakes” and “The Amazing Mr. Bickford”.
Two years ago, the exhibition was focused on Ur-Mother Jimmy Carl Black, pieces from the private and professional world of Jimmy, including several sculptures, casting light on his less well know aspirations as a visual artist.
Last year the exhibition was focused the exhibition as some new works of Cal Schenkel (Zappa Cover Designer) and Helmut King.
And NOW Carlos Zerpa from Caracas Venezuela
The ZAPPANALE exhibition 2011
The annual music festival held in Bad Doberan,
a German town previously part of East Germany.

1 comentario:

paco bas dijo...

Ey colega yo tambien escucho a Frank Zappa desde hace años y me parece genial su musica ademas de que era un gran pensador y un trabajador formidable. lo que quiero preguntarte no tiene nada que ver con Zappa, bueno ya que he visto que eres venezolano te preguntó que te parece, el regimen político de Hugo Chavez. Ya que he leido casi tanto en contra como a favor de este personaje que me parece, personalmente un comunista fanatico y mentiroso. Si te ofendi con mis opiniones, no era mi intención, tan solo quería saber tu opinión porque hoy en día no te puedes fiar plenamente ni de lo que en la prensa, se publica. Saludos.